Friday, March 15, 2013

Leucorrhoea - Symptoms and Causes

Leucorrhoea is a situation, which is characterized by the release of whitish liquid from the female genitals. More generally, it is called as whites. This problem is related with the woman's reproductive organs. The situation can last for a few weeks or still for months. If you do not overlook this problem, it can become chronic at afterward stages. Read more about leucorrhoea information:

Leucorrhoea Symptoms:

- Whitish discharge from vagina

- General body weakness

- Pain in the lumbar region and calves

- Irritability

- Digestive disturbances.

- Black circular patch around eyes.

- Itching in genital path.

- Spots on undergarments.

- Foul smells.

- Frequent headaches

- Constipation

- Intense itching

- Development of black patches under the eyes

Causes of Leucorrhoea

- Improper life style, which leads to, properly sleep.

- Hormonal turbulence

- Improper hygienic situation

- Improper feeding way of life

- Wound produced by itching

- Infections similar to bacterial and fungal

- Indigestion and constipation

- Anemia and diseases similar to diabetes, menorrhagea etc.

Talking about the reasons of Leucorrhoea, it typically takes place due to toxification of the structure. The main cause that can be held responsible is wrong feeding way of life. At the time of menses, the mucous membrane in the reproductive organs of young women thickens, by this means leading to leucorrhoea. In the time of adolescence to mid forties, the birth of a child might be lead to injure of cervix, causing infection. Separately from this, there are some extra factors also that give increase to this situation similar to displacement of the womb and unhygienic situation that tend to pull towards bacteria to the genital organs.


Fried and spicy food should totally be avoided. The patient should not be permitted to remain her stomach empty for a long time period. She should not receive heavy, indigestible food material. Sour items particularly pickle and curds are forbidden. Eating of supari later than taking food is very helpful both for prevention and cure of this disease.

Read more about Leucorrhoea Treatment and Women's Health visit at

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Curing Thrush with Home Remedies

The overgrowth of the fungi Candida Albicans is responsible for the onset of Thrush, which is also know as Yeast Infection or Candidiasis. Thrush is not a serious disease but it can cause great discomfort for its sufferer. The best thing you can do then you think you have thrush is to see a doctor immediately. There are also many over the counter medicines that are effective in treating thrush.

But aside from seeing a doctor and using over the counter medications, there are many things you can do at home to treat thrush.

1. The first thing you should do at the onset o thrush is to clean the affected area by washing it with plain water. It is not advisable to use soaps, shower gels and bath gels because these products can worsen the infection. Make sure that the affected area is always clean, cool and dry.

2. When you have thrush, avoid using lubricants and spermicidal creams. These products can make your conditions worse. You should also avoid latex condoms because latex or rubber can cause irritation.

3. Do not let synthetic fibers or materials touch the affected area as doing so could cause further irritation. You must wear clothes or undergarments made from natural fibers so as to minimize irritation.
4. Stress can trigger thrush this is why you should learn to relax and fight stress. Do not put yourself in stressful situations as much as possible and try to learn different stress-reducing techniques.

5. Make sure that your partner does not have thrush before having sex.

6. Melaleuca Oil is an effective remedy for thrush. You can buy Melaleuca Oil at alternative medicine and herb stores.

7. Aside from Melaleauca Oil, another effective natural remedy for thrush is Aloe Vera gel which can also be bought in alternative medicine and herb stores. Apply the Aloe Vera gel to the affected area.

8. Avoid oral contraceptives and broad spectrum antibiotics when you feel you are susceptible to thrush.

9. Individuals suffering from iron deficiency anemia and diabetes are more susceptible to get thrush than those not suffering from these diseases. So if you suffer from these diseases you must be doubly careful in avoiding thrush.

10. Avoid alcohol, steroids and too much sugar if you feel that you are susceptible to thrush. These substances can prohibit the growth of Candida Albicans.

11. You can also put natural yogurt to the areas affected by thrush to minimize irritation. Yoghurts have ingredients that can combat inflammation.

12. Food is one of the main triggers of thrush. Avoid dried fruits, dairy products, products with yeasts, mushrooms, pickled vegetables and fruits, monosodium glutamate and smoked fish and meat as these can trigger thrush. You can also try to follow a restricted diet for at least one month. The restricted diet can help you determine the particular foods that triggers thrush. You can then avoid these foods to avoid acquiring thrush.

13. Probiotic supplements that support friendly fungi in the gut such as acidophilus are also found to be effective in treating thrush.

14. If your thrush is persistent and does not respond to home remedies then you should begin to see a doctor. You should never ignore a persistent thrush infection. Or else it could lead to a much worse condition.

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Information on land pollution in india can be found at the Pollution Facts site.

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Diabetes Natural Reversal or Cure -6

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