Wednesday, March 13, 2013

4 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Dandruff

Dandruff is very common problem and all of us suffer from it atleast once in life. This article will discuss some home treatments to get rid of dandruff.

1. Use shampoos: There are several ways to cure dandruff. One of them is to use anti-dandruff shampoos. However, not all anti-dandruff shampoos will help. Make sure your shampoo contains all these ingredients: coal tar, salicylic acid, pyrithione zinc, and sulfur or selenium sulfide. Each of these ingredients is vital for curing dandruff. More often than not you will encounter anti-dandruff shampoos which have more than one ingredient. The only way to know which anti-dandruff shampoos are best for you is by trial-and-error.

Here is a good way to use anti-dandruff shampoos. First wash your scalp thoroughly, then apply shampoo on the scalp, then let the shampoo remain on your scalp for about five minutes. Then rinse your scalp thoroughly.

2. Another way to cure dandruff is by using yogurt. Before using yogurt, you should rinse your hair thoroughly and then apply yogurt on your scalp and let it sit there for at least ten to fifteen minutes. Then wash the scalp using as little shampoo as needed. You can use an infusion of thyme, nettle or sage with 2 tablespoons of vinegar as a final rinse.

3. If neither of these remedies works for you, you can turn to homeopathy. Homeopathy has really some good medicines which will help you to cure dandruff. You can use medicines such as rsenicum, sepia, sulfur, mezereum, fluoric ac., graphites, oleander and nartrum mur; however I would recommend that you consult with a homeopath before using any of these medicines.

4. There are some good herbal remedies to cure dandruff as well. One herbal treatment that was invented in South Africa is this: mix borax (one of the fresh roots of the wild scabious) with an infusion in boiling water. This will create a paste for you. Just rub the paste on your scalp once a week and you will be able to cure dandruff fast.

Disclaimer: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

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Best Home Remedies For Thrush

Some prescription drugs, particularly antibiotics, may disrupt the bacteria normally present in the intestine and vagina, causing the unpleasant symptoms of constipation, diarrhea, or vaginitis. Because Lactobacillus acidophilus is one such regular inhabitant that can prevent bacterial or yeast overgrowth, consumption of yogurt or L. bacillus capsules or tablets has been found to be effective in decreasing the incidence of candidiasis.

Yeast infections usually are treated with medicine that you put into your vagina. This medicine may be a cream or a suppository that you put into your vagina with a special applicator. Medicine in a cream form also can be put on your vulva to help stop the itching. Medicine in a pill form that you take by mouth is also available. However, natural treatments without the use of medications are much more effective and provide a permanent cure.

Not all women experience a discharge. The easiest way to tell if a woman has yeast infection is if she experiences itchiness in and around her vagina. The itchiness may go hand in hand with a burning sensation. The outer area and the vulva area can become swollen and red, this can result in painful urination and sexual intercourse may also be painful too.

An abundance of candida may also cause vaginitis, commonly known as a yeast infection. Ordinary symptoms are vaginal itching, a white discharge, sensitive skin at the vaginal opening and pain during urination or intercourse. This condition is especially common in women who are pregnant or taking antibiotics. Women using contraceptives with a high estrogen level are also more susceptible to yeast infections. Because the same fungus that causes vaginal yeast infections is responsible for thrush, it may also be spread through oral sex.

Unfortunately, many doctors misdiagnose a yeast infection as being bacterial in nature and they will treat it with antibiotics. This can lead to the elimination of the yeast's natural competitors and actually increase the severity of the yeast infection.

Factors that can be major causes of yeast infections in women include the use of douches, scented feminine hygiene products, feminine sprays, and regular use of spermicidal creams. The combination of some or all of these products will sometimes ruin the delicate balance of the vagina which in turn can create a yeast infection.

Over-the-counter medicated treatments cures the majority of yeast infections, however they can be only temporary treatments. The yeast infections may come back, even worse than before. Many people who use natural treatments report never having another yeast infection again. This is probably because the natural, holistic methods listen to the body and gets to the root of problem, while the creams temporarily kill candida in the vagina, which is always present in the body anyway.

Sarah Rhodes suffered from chronic yeast infections for many years before finally discovering a natural, permanent cure that works. Read about Sarah and the secret that permanently cured her yeast infections at:

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The Diabetic Fat Spiral

Type II diabetes can become a trap if you get into a certain pickle with weight and insulin dependency. Not all Type II diabetics ever start using insulin -- in fact most are treated with diet, exercise, and oral medications. However, some of us, especially with the current obesity epidemic in America and other countries around the world, get to a point where we must also be treated with insulin.

This particular solution, however, contributes to a new problem, which is fat-induced insulin resistance. The way my doctor explained it to me is that the requirement for additional insulin comes from the overabundance of fat cells in the body, and too few muscle cells.

I imagine the problem like this: These fat cells are greedy little buggers, which actively work against the insulin the body makes. The oral medications help to a point. Some of them suppress the effect, and some of them enhance the body's ability to make additional insulin. Still, if a person's body has enough additional fat, the oral medications can't do enough to handle the load and insulin injections are needed.

Well, the insulin resistance problem can also increase a person's propensity to put on more weight, so that can make the problem worse still. The downward spiral with health continues. All of this is theory, but from what I've read there is some medical evidence that the spiral may start way back in the genetic makeup of the person. In fact, the insulin resistance may cause type II diabetes, which in turn is made worse by increased insulin resistance. You can read more on the Wikipedia, in this article:

So what's the solution? The medical solution that is often recommended when this spiral is created is bariatric surgery, which you may know as the old gastric bypass. Because my weight and health meet all the guidelines for this surgery, my doctors tell me I am a cinch for being approved to have the surgery. The way they say it, I get the impression most people are happy to hear that they qualify for bariatric surgery. I'm not one of those people, however.

I didn't like the idea of using a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I believe the solution for me is to get into motion and to build muscle. While fat is insulin resistant, muscle eats blood sugar for breakfast even when it is just sitting still. That's why muscle is so warm to the touch.

When I imagine the rest of my life, I'd prefer to see myself pumping iron at 85 on a weight machine in the basement instead of worrying about how to fit my high protein and high vitamin diet into a stomach pouch the size of a thumb. In other words, I'd rather take the slower solution that requires more work than the quick fix with the longer lasting permanent consequences.

I am not a doctor. I am a diabetic with a big weight problem coupled with a big insulin resistance problem. My own conversations with my doctor, and my readings on the subject have convinced me that the correct approach for me is to build muscle, to shed weight, and to tackle the problem without surgery.

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Can Diabetes Be Cured Naturally

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