Thursday, March 21, 2013

How to Cure Your Boils Naturally

Boils are not a pleasant topic, but it is something that most of us will experience at some point in our lives. This article will show how you can cure your boils naturally by using inexpensive natural remedies.

What is a boil? Another name used to describe a boil is a skin abscess, but basically it's just an infection deep in the skin. I like to describe a boil as being a really big zit because that's what it looks like. Below are several different types of boils:

Cystic acne -- An abscess that forms when the oil ducts become infected or clogged. This type of boil is found mostly on the face and primarily effects teenagers.

Furuncle or carbuncle -- An abscess of the skin caused by Staphylococcus aureus. This type of boil may cause a fever or chills.

Pilonidal cyst -- This abscess is usually found in the crease of the buttocks. People who sit a lot or travel over long distances, like a truck driver, are more prone to getting this kind of boil.

Hidradenitis suppurativa -- This is when you have multiple boils that form in the arm pits and groin area and are associated with the sweat glands.

Why do we get boils? The most common cause is believed to be clogged sweat glands or hair follicles that become infected. It is also possible for a scratch or any other break in the skin to become infected and turn into a boil. Believe it or not, an ingrown hair can cause a boil. People with compromised or suppressed immune systems are more likely to get boils. That includes people with diabetes. Medications can also suppress the immune system -- especially cortisone, prednisone, prednisolone and medications used by cancer patients.

How to cure boils naturally? If you have been searching the Internet for information on how to cure boils, you probably found that most Websites recommend that you go to your doctor and be put on antibiotics. I think that's a bit radical when most boils can be effectively cured at home. If, however, after you have tried to cure the boil yourself, but it doesn't work, then go to your doctor immediately. Below are three natural cures you can try:

Turmeric -- Turmeric taken internally can help dissolve and heal boils in as little as three days. It has anti-inflammatory and blood purifying effects on the body. Just take one teaspoon of turmeric powder in warm water three times a day or buy turmeric in capsule form and take at least 450 mg each day. You can also make a paste out of the turmeric powder and place it directly on the boil and cover it with gauze. Be careful as turmeric can stain your skin and your clothes. The stain on your skin will go away in about two weeks.

Tea Tree Oil -- Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic that is able to help in the healing of all kinds of skin problems. All you have to do is apply one drop of tea tree oil directly on the boil each morning after bathing until it's gone.

Castor Oil -- Put some Castor oil on a cotton ball and place it on the boil. You will need to secure it with gauze or a band-aid. Castor oil will draw the poison right out of the boil and can heal it in as little as two days.

There are other remedies that I did not mention as I felt the three above were the best. Some other remedies are iodine, a paste made out of baking soda or you can take an epson salts bath.

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Nighttime Heartburn: Naturally Cure your heartburn while you sleep

Hi, my name is Bob Barton and I was in the same heartburn situation you are in years ago. In fact, I could NOT get more than a continuous 4 hours of sleep without my nighttime heartburn flaring up! Are you suffering from the same heartburn symptoms (caused by acid reflux) I had?

Nighttime Heartburn

Pain in stomach and chest regions

Acidic Taste in mouth and throat

Constant worrying about next reflux flare-up

Loss of sleep

And the list goes on! However, I want to bring you good news today! I am nighttime heartburn free and have permanently cured my heartburn naturally! And you can too!

Here is My Heartburn Story!

Over thirty years ago, I was in a hospital bed after a stomach surgery which almost took my life! I had stomach ulcers caused from acid reflux/heartburn and the doctors needed to operate. The next year was a living nightmare; I would vomit at least 3-4 times a day and on a good day only once! Acid Reflux was ruining my life until I found a nighttime remedy! One morning, I woke up at 7:00 AM and realized I did not wake up with nighttime heartburn the whole night. This was the first time in YEARS! After thinking back to the previous night, I wondered what I had done differently? The only thing I could think of was eating an apple before going to bed early. I wanted to test my remedy so I begun testing a slice of apple every night before I went to bed or before I had a heartburn flare-up. And guess what I found?

My Nighttime Heartburn Remedy

After weeks, I have found that simply a slice (I didn't need the whole apple) of apple would allow me to sleep the whole night without any nighttime heartburn! I became a new man and life was better with 8 consistent hours of sleep! And this natural reflux remedy has even helped me discover more natural remedies that work for acid reflux.

Don't just treat your Reflux! Cure Your Acid Reflux!

I did it and so can you! After sharing my acid reflux cure with my son, we decided that we should share our natural reflux story with others by making a website. Over two years later, we have spent hours upon hours reading and researching remedies that have proven to be effective for thousands of people. In fact, we have over 600 testimonials of people who have cured their Acid Reflux and have a 97% success rate with people who have tried our remedy and read our report! If you want more than an apple to treat your nighttime heartburn, please take a minute to check out my website which has literally helped thousands. Our satisfaction-guaranteed, 100%-refund offer will cure your heartburn! I put my word on it!

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The Miracle Diabetes Cure - Converts 1:40 Top Affiliate Earns $10k P/m

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

How to Treat Painful Feet: Incorporating Healthy Foot Soaks

For those who spend a lot of time standing or walking, painful feet may become an unfortunate reality. Taking time to treat painful feet can help soothe the aches and pains, and may help prevent more serious conditions. A healthy soak for feet designed to help increase circulation, promote muscle relaxation, and soften the skin, can help make feet feel better both inside and out. However, chronic pain should be reported to a doctor or podiatrist, and those with diabetes in particular should consult with a physician before using any type of product or method to treat painful feet. Swollen feet, for example, are normal in hot and humid weather, but can also be a sign of a serious medical condition. As with any physical condition, it is wise to seek the advice of a physician or podiatrist if painful conditions such as swelling, muscle cramps, or others continue for more than a few days.

Some conditions may be treated easily with a foot ache soak followed by foot lotion. Calluses and corns are two such examples. Calluses are a build-up of thick skin that develops over time, most often on the heels. As our bodies age, the padding in the feet becomes thinner and the development of calluses is one way the body adapts to this change. Other areas of the foot may also develop calluses, such as the ball of the foot. Because calluses can signal other, more serious foot problems, it is wise to seek the assistance of a podiatrist to treat painful feet. A doctor is also the best person to remove very thick and/or painful calluses. For a minor callus buildup, a healthy soak for feet can be used to soften the skin, which can then be gently removed using a pumice stone or similar product. This treatment, followed by a revitalizing foot lotion can help relieve and treat painful feet. Inserting padding in the shoes at the point of the callus can also aid in reducing foot pain.

Corns are one of the more common foot ailments, and tend to show up most often in people under thirty and in women. This is likely because of the shoe styles worn, which can put pressure on the toes. Corns are small, concentrated calluses that usually develop around the toes where friction occurs most, such as the tops, around joints, and in between. To treat painful feet resulting from corns and to help prevent corns from developing, use a foot ache soak on a daily basis. Following the foot soak, corns can be gently removed using a pumice stone, followed by a foot lotion. This easy, preventative program, combined with shoes that do not pinch the toes and special pads over the corns, is an effective method to treat painful feet. It is also a nice, relaxing way to end the day.

For general foot aches and pains, a healthy foot ache soak combining a range of treatment components can aid in the reduction of normal swelling, help reduce muscle fatigue, lessen muscle soreness, and rejuvenate the feet. Products that incorporate various botanicals, for example, can create a foot soak that positively affect both mind and body and treat painful feet. Research shows that scents have a direct impact on our thoughts and emotions, and the use of botanicals in a foot soak offers both mental and physical benefits. Botanicals have long been used in combination with massage therapy to promote feelings of well-being, promote health, and as therapeutic tools. The same concepts apply when using botanicals in combination with a soak to treat painful feet. Foot soaks can also be useful in the treatment and prevention of other conditions such as athletes foot and in promoting overall foot health.

Peppermint, for example, is useful in clearing the mind and emotions (which can be very welcome after a long day on the job), relieves muscle aches, and is often used to treat painful feet. Combinations of lavender, rosemary, and juniper, are used to relive pain and in sports medicine. Other blends, such as peppermint, rosemary, and geranium are used not only to treat pain but also to uplift and strengthen.

For a relaxing foot soak, use cool or warm water and soak your feet for about fifteen minutes. Pat the feet dry rather than rubbing them with a towel (although a rough towel can be in replace of a pumice stone for mild calluses or corns). When feet are dry, apply a foot lotion.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Childhood Obesity: Emotional Effects and Sedentary Lifestyles

Copyright (c) 2007 Gurion Blattman

The social and psychological issues of childhood obesity are perhaps even more intrusive on the child's life than the physical. Childhood is a critical time for the development of self-esteem, thus the psychological issues faced by an overweight child places even more urgency on the prevention of the problem.

Obesity is "one of the most stigmatizing and least socially acceptable conditions in childhood." (Schwimmer, Jeffrey B., MD ET AL,: Health-related quality of life of severely obese children and adolescents," The Journal of American Medicine, 2003, p. 1818). An historic study showed that normal weight children rank obese children as the least desirable friends. Obese individuals were described as lazy, dirty, dumb and deceitful. These descriptions were made by children as young as six years old (Must, Aviva, Ph.D., "Effects of obesity on morbidity in children and adolescents," Nutrition in Clinical Care, p. 9).

One study relates that the quality of life of an obese child can be directly compared to the quality of life of a child undergoing cancer treatment. They feel excluded from a variety of activities and have lower levels of self worth and self esteem. They are teased and withdraw from their peers. The physical limitations and inability to keep up with normal activities may lead to a vicious cycle of additional weight gain. Studies have also shown that obese children miss four times more school than healthy weight children, which could lead to decreased school performance (Schwimmer, p. 1814).

Depression and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) have also been linked to childhood obesity (Mustillo, Sarah, Ph.D., "Obesity and psychiatric disorder: developmental trajectories," Pediatrics, 2003, p. 854). ODD is manifested by a pattern of uncooperative and defiant behavior toward authority that can interfere with day-to-day functioning (

The effects of obesity effects have a lasting impact on an individual's life in childhood, through adolescence and into adulthood. Obese adolescents have lower education attainment, earn less money and have higher rates of poverty. Discrimination because of obesity has been documented toward adolescents in apartment rentals, employment opportunities and college admissions (Must, p. 9). Finding success as an adult is an enormous challenge, but especially daunting when faced with the physical, emotional and discriminatory effects brought on by obesity

Americans in general are much too sedentary. Children should have at least thirty minutes per day of exercise outside of school time (Hu,Frank B., M.D., Ph.D., "Television watching and other sedentary behaviors in relation to risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus in women," The Journal of American Medicine, 2003, p. 1790). Television, computers, and video games consume more and more of outside playtime. Television watching is the predominant sedentary behavior in children, second only to sleeping (Kaur, Haroshena, M.D., MPH, "Duration of television watching is associated with body mass index," The Journal of Pediatrics, 2003, p. 506).

Watching television is more strongly associated with obesity than other sedentary behaviors. This is because (1) watching television reduces energy expenditure by limiting time that children spend doing physical activities, (2) watching television leads to increased energy intake because it tends to lead to snacking ' especially with the inundation of junk food enticements, and (3) watching television has even less energy expenditure associated with it than other sedentary behaviors such as reading and writing. (Hu, p. 1790).

Increased time spent in front of the television can result in a net gain of 350 calories per day (combined loss of potential physical activity with snacking) that over a week would result in a 0.7 pound gain in body weight per week. (Epstein, Leonard H., Ph.D., "Effects of manipulating sedentary behavior on physical activity and food intake," The Journal of Pediatrics, 2002, 140, p. 334). These findings suggest that even in healthy, non-obese children, sedentary behavior can drastically increase caloric consumption while decreasing energy expenditure.


Gurion works with each client on an individual basis, focusing on achieving long-term results through innovative, customized workouts and nutritional counseling. He has been featured in several national publications and is also an avid, extreme mountain biker. For more information or for a complimentary consultation contact or visit

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