Thursday, March 21, 2013

How to Cure Your Boils Naturally

Boils are not a pleasant topic, but it is something that most of us will experience at some point in our lives. This article will show how you can cure your boils naturally by using inexpensive natural remedies.

What is a boil? Another name used to describe a boil is a skin abscess, but basically it's just an infection deep in the skin. I like to describe a boil as being a really big zit because that's what it looks like. Below are several different types of boils:

Cystic acne -- An abscess that forms when the oil ducts become infected or clogged. This type of boil is found mostly on the face and primarily effects teenagers.

Furuncle or carbuncle -- An abscess of the skin caused by Staphylococcus aureus. This type of boil may cause a fever or chills.

Pilonidal cyst -- This abscess is usually found in the crease of the buttocks. People who sit a lot or travel over long distances, like a truck driver, are more prone to getting this kind of boil.

Hidradenitis suppurativa -- This is when you have multiple boils that form in the arm pits and groin area and are associated with the sweat glands.

Why do we get boils? The most common cause is believed to be clogged sweat glands or hair follicles that become infected. It is also possible for a scratch or any other break in the skin to become infected and turn into a boil. Believe it or not, an ingrown hair can cause a boil. People with compromised or suppressed immune systems are more likely to get boils. That includes people with diabetes. Medications can also suppress the immune system -- especially cortisone, prednisone, prednisolone and medications used by cancer patients.

How to cure boils naturally? If you have been searching the Internet for information on how to cure boils, you probably found that most Websites recommend that you go to your doctor and be put on antibiotics. I think that's a bit radical when most boils can be effectively cured at home. If, however, after you have tried to cure the boil yourself, but it doesn't work, then go to your doctor immediately. Below are three natural cures you can try:

Turmeric -- Turmeric taken internally can help dissolve and heal boils in as little as three days. It has anti-inflammatory and blood purifying effects on the body. Just take one teaspoon of turmeric powder in warm water three times a day or buy turmeric in capsule form and take at least 450 mg each day. You can also make a paste out of the turmeric powder and place it directly on the boil and cover it with gauze. Be careful as turmeric can stain your skin and your clothes. The stain on your skin will go away in about two weeks.

Tea Tree Oil -- Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic that is able to help in the healing of all kinds of skin problems. All you have to do is apply one drop of tea tree oil directly on the boil each morning after bathing until it's gone.

Castor Oil -- Put some Castor oil on a cotton ball and place it on the boil. You will need to secure it with gauze or a band-aid. Castor oil will draw the poison right out of the boil and can heal it in as little as two days.

There are other remedies that I did not mention as I felt the three above were the best. Some other remedies are iodine, a paste made out of baking soda or you can take an epson salts bath.

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Quality of Moringa leafs

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4 Reasons Why You Should Have Moringa Leaf Powder in Your House

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Nighttime Heartburn: Naturally Cure your heartburn while you sleep

Hi, my name is Bob Barton and I was in the same heartburn situation you are in years ago. In fact, I could NOT get more than a continuous 4 hours of sleep without my nighttime heartburn flaring up! Are you suffering from the same heartburn symptoms (caused by acid reflux) I had?

Nighttime Heartburn

Pain in stomach and chest regions

Acidic Taste in mouth and throat

Constant worrying about next reflux flare-up

Loss of sleep

And the list goes on! However, I want to bring you good news today! I am nighttime heartburn free and have permanently cured my heartburn naturally! And you can too!

Here is My Heartburn Story!

Over thirty years ago, I was in a hospital bed after a stomach surgery which almost took my life! I had stomach ulcers caused from acid reflux/heartburn and the doctors needed to operate. The next year was a living nightmare; I would vomit at least 3-4 times a day and on a good day only once! Acid Reflux was ruining my life until I found a nighttime remedy! One morning, I woke up at 7:00 AM and realized I did not wake up with nighttime heartburn the whole night. This was the first time in YEARS! After thinking back to the previous night, I wondered what I had done differently? The only thing I could think of was eating an apple before going to bed early. I wanted to test my remedy so I begun testing a slice of apple every night before I went to bed or before I had a heartburn flare-up. And guess what I found?

My Nighttime Heartburn Remedy

After weeks, I have found that simply a slice (I didn't need the whole apple) of apple would allow me to sleep the whole night without any nighttime heartburn! I became a new man and life was better with 8 consistent hours of sleep! And this natural reflux remedy has even helped me discover more natural remedies that work for acid reflux.

Don't just treat your Reflux! Cure Your Acid Reflux!

I did it and so can you! After sharing my acid reflux cure with my son, we decided that we should share our natural reflux story with others by making a website. Over two years later, we have spent hours upon hours reading and researching remedies that have proven to be effective for thousands of people. In fact, we have over 600 testimonials of people who have cured their Acid Reflux and have a 97% success rate with people who have tried our remedy and read our report! If you want more than an apple to treat your nighttime heartburn, please take a minute to check out my website which has literally helped thousands. Our satisfaction-guaranteed, 100%-refund offer will cure your heartburn! I put my word on it!

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The Miracle Diabetes Cure - Converts 1:40 Top Affiliate Earns $10k P/m

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

How to Treat Painful Feet: Incorporating Healthy Foot Soaks

For those who spend a lot of time standing or walking, painful feet may become an unfortunate reality. Taking time to treat painful feet can help soothe the aches and pains, and may help prevent more serious conditions. A healthy soak for feet designed to help increase circulation, promote muscle relaxation, and soften the skin, can help make feet feel better both inside and out. However, chronic pain should be reported to a doctor or podiatrist, and those with diabetes in particular should consult with a physician before using any type of product or method to treat painful feet. Swollen feet, for example, are normal in hot and humid weather, but can also be a sign of a serious medical condition. As with any physical condition, it is wise to seek the advice of a physician or podiatrist if painful conditions such as swelling, muscle cramps, or others continue for more than a few days.

Some conditions may be treated easily with a foot ache soak followed by foot lotion. Calluses and corns are two such examples. Calluses are a build-up of thick skin that develops over time, most often on the heels. As our bodies age, the padding in the feet becomes thinner and the development of calluses is one way the body adapts to this change. Other areas of the foot may also develop calluses, such as the ball of the foot. Because calluses can signal other, more serious foot problems, it is wise to seek the assistance of a podiatrist to treat painful feet. A doctor is also the best person to remove very thick and/or painful calluses. For a minor callus buildup, a healthy soak for feet can be used to soften the skin, which can then be gently removed using a pumice stone or similar product. This treatment, followed by a revitalizing foot lotion can help relieve and treat painful feet. Inserting padding in the shoes at the point of the callus can also aid in reducing foot pain.

Corns are one of the more common foot ailments, and tend to show up most often in people under thirty and in women. This is likely because of the shoe styles worn, which can put pressure on the toes. Corns are small, concentrated calluses that usually develop around the toes where friction occurs most, such as the tops, around joints, and in between. To treat painful feet resulting from corns and to help prevent corns from developing, use a foot ache soak on a daily basis. Following the foot soak, corns can be gently removed using a pumice stone, followed by a foot lotion. This easy, preventative program, combined with shoes that do not pinch the toes and special pads over the corns, is an effective method to treat painful feet. It is also a nice, relaxing way to end the day.

For general foot aches and pains, a healthy foot ache soak combining a range of treatment components can aid in the reduction of normal swelling, help reduce muscle fatigue, lessen muscle soreness, and rejuvenate the feet. Products that incorporate various botanicals, for example, can create a foot soak that positively affect both mind and body and treat painful feet. Research shows that scents have a direct impact on our thoughts and emotions, and the use of botanicals in a foot soak offers both mental and physical benefits. Botanicals have long been used in combination with massage therapy to promote feelings of well-being, promote health, and as therapeutic tools. The same concepts apply when using botanicals in combination with a soak to treat painful feet. Foot soaks can also be useful in the treatment and prevention of other conditions such as athletes foot and in promoting overall foot health.

Peppermint, for example, is useful in clearing the mind and emotions (which can be very welcome after a long day on the job), relieves muscle aches, and is often used to treat painful feet. Combinations of lavender, rosemary, and juniper, are used to relive pain and in sports medicine. Other blends, such as peppermint, rosemary, and geranium are used not only to treat pain but also to uplift and strengthen.

For a relaxing foot soak, use cool or warm water and soak your feet for about fifteen minutes. Pat the feet dry rather than rubbing them with a towel (although a rough towel can be in replace of a pumice stone for mild calluses or corns). When feet are dry, apply a foot lotion.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Childhood Obesity: Emotional Effects and Sedentary Lifestyles

Copyright (c) 2007 Gurion Blattman

The social and psychological issues of childhood obesity are perhaps even more intrusive on the child's life than the physical. Childhood is a critical time for the development of self-esteem, thus the psychological issues faced by an overweight child places even more urgency on the prevention of the problem.

Obesity is "one of the most stigmatizing and least socially acceptable conditions in childhood." (Schwimmer, Jeffrey B., MD ET AL,: Health-related quality of life of severely obese children and adolescents," The Journal of American Medicine, 2003, p. 1818). An historic study showed that normal weight children rank obese children as the least desirable friends. Obese individuals were described as lazy, dirty, dumb and deceitful. These descriptions were made by children as young as six years old (Must, Aviva, Ph.D., "Effects of obesity on morbidity in children and adolescents," Nutrition in Clinical Care, p. 9).

One study relates that the quality of life of an obese child can be directly compared to the quality of life of a child undergoing cancer treatment. They feel excluded from a variety of activities and have lower levels of self worth and self esteem. They are teased and withdraw from their peers. The physical limitations and inability to keep up with normal activities may lead to a vicious cycle of additional weight gain. Studies have also shown that obese children miss four times more school than healthy weight children, which could lead to decreased school performance (Schwimmer, p. 1814).

Depression and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) have also been linked to childhood obesity (Mustillo, Sarah, Ph.D., "Obesity and psychiatric disorder: developmental trajectories," Pediatrics, 2003, p. 854). ODD is manifested by a pattern of uncooperative and defiant behavior toward authority that can interfere with day-to-day functioning (

The effects of obesity effects have a lasting impact on an individual's life in childhood, through adolescence and into adulthood. Obese adolescents have lower education attainment, earn less money and have higher rates of poverty. Discrimination because of obesity has been documented toward adolescents in apartment rentals, employment opportunities and college admissions (Must, p. 9). Finding success as an adult is an enormous challenge, but especially daunting when faced with the physical, emotional and discriminatory effects brought on by obesity

Americans in general are much too sedentary. Children should have at least thirty minutes per day of exercise outside of school time (Hu,Frank B., M.D., Ph.D., "Television watching and other sedentary behaviors in relation to risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus in women," The Journal of American Medicine, 2003, p. 1790). Television, computers, and video games consume more and more of outside playtime. Television watching is the predominant sedentary behavior in children, second only to sleeping (Kaur, Haroshena, M.D., MPH, "Duration of television watching is associated with body mass index," The Journal of Pediatrics, 2003, p. 506).

Watching television is more strongly associated with obesity than other sedentary behaviors. This is because (1) watching television reduces energy expenditure by limiting time that children spend doing physical activities, (2) watching television leads to increased energy intake because it tends to lead to snacking ' especially with the inundation of junk food enticements, and (3) watching television has even less energy expenditure associated with it than other sedentary behaviors such as reading and writing. (Hu, p. 1790).

Increased time spent in front of the television can result in a net gain of 350 calories per day (combined loss of potential physical activity with snacking) that over a week would result in a 0.7 pound gain in body weight per week. (Epstein, Leonard H., Ph.D., "Effects of manipulating sedentary behavior on physical activity and food intake," The Journal of Pediatrics, 2002, 140, p. 334). These findings suggest that even in healthy, non-obese children, sedentary behavior can drastically increase caloric consumption while decreasing energy expenditure.


Gurion works with each client on an individual basis, focusing on achieving long-term results through innovative, customized workouts and nutritional counseling. He has been featured in several national publications and is also an avid, extreme mountain biker. For more information or for a complimentary consultation contact or visit

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Preventing & Reversing Diabetes Naturally

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Monday, March 18, 2013

Complete Information on Amaurosis fugax with Treatment and Prevention

Amaurosis fugax is a transitory monocular visual departure. Group, which has defined five different causes of transitory monocular blindness: embolic, hemodynamic, ocular, neurologic, and idiopathic. Concerning the pathology underlying these causes, some of the more regular causes include atheromatous disease of the domestic carotid or ophthalmic artery, angle-closure glaucoma, increased intracranial force, vasospasm, optic neuropathies, large cubicle arteritis, orbital compressive disease, a steal phenomenon, and blood hyperviscosity or hypercoagulability. It is caused by an obstruction or reduced blood flowing within the principal blood vessel supplying the heart. Blockages are normally payable to a blood clot or plaque that breaks away from a larger artery and travels upwards to the mind or heart, becoming lodged in the principal artery supplying the heart.

This condition can also occur in ruminants suffering from a vitamin B1 deficiency due to thiamine related cerebrocortical necrosis. Routine blood tests such as cholesterol and glucose should be done to assess risk of atherosclerosis, which increases with elevated cholesterol and diabetes. Several different tests may need to be done to find the source. These tests may include an ultrasound of the carotid arteries in the neck, a study of the electrical system of the heart, a magnetic resonance angiography scan of the blood vessels in the head and neck, an echocardiogram of the heart, or an angiogram. Another cause is the presence of emboli located in the ipsilateral internal carotid artery. It is a type of transient ischaemic attack. Those experiencing Amaurosis usually experience complete symptom abeyance within a few minutes. In a small minority of those who experience Amaurosis, stroke or vision loss has resulted.

The experience of amaurosis fugax is classically described as a transitory monocular imagination departure that appears as a "drape coming downward vertically into the area of imagination in one heart;" however, this altitudinal visual departure is comparatively rare. Other descriptions of this experience include a monocular blindness, dimming, fogging, or blurring. Total or sectorial imagination departure typically lasts simply a few seconds, but may live minutes or still hours. Duration depends on the etiology of the imagination departure. Certainly, extra symptoms may be existing with the amaurosis fugax, and those findings will bet on the etiology of the transitory monocular imagination departure. Low blood flowing to the heart may too ensue from a crucial narrowing of one of the principal blood vessels supplying blood to the mind and heart. The monocular blindness of amaurosis fugax is mostly short, but in uncommon cases it may be prolonged or lasting.

The handling of amaurosis fugax depends on identifying the origin of the blood clots or cholesterol that have caused reduced blood flowing or blocked the principal artery to the heart. If the amaurosis fugax is caused by an atherosclerotic lesion, aspirin is indicated, and a carotid endarterectomy if the stenosis is surgically available. Left raw, this case carries a higher danger of shot; after carotid endarterectomy, which has a reduced operational danger, there is a really reduced surgical shot pace. If the complete diagnostic workup is totally natural, patient remark is recommended. New techniques include stenting of the carotid artery and balloon angioplasty of the stenosis in the carotid artery. Both techniques target to give upward the area of the carotid artery that is being blocked by plaque. These techniques are promising, particularly for patients who are not easily sufficient to suffer leading operation.

Juliet Cohen writes articles for health doctor. She also writes articles for haircut styles.

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New Balance Orthopedic Shoes

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Orthotics for Hammertoe

Hammertoe is a common foot deformity that occurs when the toes become locked into a permanently bent position. They are often caused by wearing ill-fitting footwear, particularly high-heeled shoes, which force the toes into a bent position. Anatomically s... Read >

Hush Puppies: Comfort and Style

Hush Puppies is an internationally successful brand of casual footwear based in Rockford, Michigan. The first Hush Puppies were created in 1958 when the Chairman of Wolverine Worldwide (the parent company of Hush Puppies) was investigating the process of ... Read >

Silver Socks and Silver-Lined Shoes

We have Dorothy's ruby slipper, Cinderella's glass slipper, Michael Johnson's gold shoes but what about shoes of silver? Believe it or not, "silver" shoes are widely available today even without a good witch or fairy godmother. Silver, it turns out, is a ... Read >

Long-Term Consequences of Clubfoot

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All You Need to Know About Fitting Shoes

It is always a good idea to try shoes on before you buy them. This is especially true for athletes or for individuals with foot problems. People with diabetes, lymphedema or any number of foot deformities (bunions, corns, hammertoe, claw toe, plantar fasc... Read >

Orthopedic Insoles made from Memory Foam

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How to Safely Remove a Splinter from Your Foot

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Exercises to Help Improve Weakened Arches

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To Treat (Or Not To Treat) Plantar Warts

Q: What happens when plantar warts go untreated for a really long time? A: Plantar warts are benign epithelial tumors that form on the bottom of your feet. They are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which enters the skin through minor cuts and ... Read >

Help! How Do I Treat Plantar Warts that Will Not Go Away?

Plantar Warts are a common problem. Some studies estimate that as many as 10 percent of Americans are infected. These warts, which form on the sole of your feet, are caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Most people pick them up by going barefoot in p... Read >

Cavus Foot: A Symptom of Charcot Marie Tooth Disease

Charcot Marie Tooth disease (CMT) is a hereditary disorder that affects the nervous system. It is also known as Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy (HMSN), Hereditary Sensorimotor Neuropathy (HSMAN) and Peroneal Muscular Atrophy. With 37 out of every ... Read >

What Causes Foot Drop?

A person with foot drop is unable to lift the front part of his foot (a movement known as dorsiflexion). When a person with foot drop attempts to walk, the foot will slap down on the floor. The affected person may try to accommodate the condition by walki... Read >

Treatment for Cavus Foot

Q: What is the best way to treat Cavus Foot? A: Cavus Foot can usually be treated using a combination of orthopedic devices that protect the foot from pain and provide the foot with extra support, especially when it comes to stability and balance (some... Read >

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The Bladder - Nocturia and Paruresis (Shy Bladder)



  • Waking to urinate more than twice a night - nocturia - is considered a medical problem unless you are menopausal, or over 80, when it is normal, if not restful.

  • Menopausal women will want to consult New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way.

  • As we age, there is a natural shift in the timing of urination. Instead of being most active during the day, the urinary system gets into gear at night, alas. To prevent falls, keep bathroom access well lit and forego rugs or slippers that slip and trip.

  • Hypertension, diabetes, prostate enlargement, stroke, kidney disease, and even a tumor in the bladder can also cause nocturia.


Homeopathic remedies for those with nocturia include homeopathic sulphur (Sulphura) and Ferrum phos.


  • One of my favorite herbal remedies for menopausal women troubled by night sweats and nocturia is nettle infusion. Nettles' ability to rebuild adrenal and kidney functioning is nothing short of miraculous. I do not experience nettle as a diuretic; while the initial response to drinking 2-4 cups of infusion may be a need to urinate more often, this is due to improvement of the kidneys, not stimulation, and as they strengthen, frequency returns to normal.

  • Quercetin is a strong antioxidant found in herbs and foods. It decreases urinary and pelvic inflammation, and, most importantly, inhibits cell damage in the kidneys. Find quercetin in oak bark, cranberries, AND blueberries.


Limiting fluid intake to a little water only in the four hours before bed - no coffee, tea, alcohol, juice, or soda - may help.


  • Common drugs, such as blood pressure medications, can increase urinary frequency. Eliminate them; eliminate nocturia.

  • Desmopressin acetate, DDAVP, is a prescription nasal spray that blocks the urge to urinate. Elders may find it helpful in shifting the timing of urination back toward daytime.(1)

  • On an average, men with BPH get up three times a night to urinate, and many have a difficult time returning to sleep. Of drugs tested, only doxazosin made a significant difference.(2)



That's what most of those with a shy bladder do: nothing. They don't talk about it. They don't seek treatment. And in the worst case scenarios, they don't leave home for fear that someone will be aware of their urination.


  • It is estimated that 20 million Americans, mostly men, deal with shy bladder; for 2 million of them, it is incapacitating.(3)

  • Anxiety can cause the smooth muscles of the urethra to clamp down, making it impossible to produce urine, no matter how much you want to or how much you try. The thought that someone may be watching or listening or even aware of one's urination, can produce extreme anxiety in the person with a bashful bladder. In the mildest cases, men cannot void in a public urinal with others watching. In worst cases, men cannot void in any public facility and may have difficulty at home unless they are totally alone.

  • Bashful bladder is different from the difficulty in voiding that occurs when a swollen prostate narrows the urethra.


[A true tale] As the mind-altering effects of the plant took hold of me, I suddenly became terrified. I thought everyone was not only watching me, but that they could read my mind as well. My guide laughed: "They are only concerned with themselves. You are invisible to them. Set aside your big ego and your big wish to be the center of attention. You are just another human, doing human business. Laugh at your fear; send it away."


  • Be kind to your shy bladder with corn silk tea. If you can't get corn silk, the liquid from canned corn will have a similar effect.

  • Be kind to your nerves with oatstraw infusion. Regular use of 2-4 cups a day will rebuild the nervous system, so you can handle far more stress with less anxiety.


A bottle of anxiety-relieving motherwort tincture in your pocket may make your bladder less shy. A dose of 1-2 droppersful, taken on your way to the toilet, will have fast results.


More than half the men answering a recent survey said they were unable to produce a urine sample on demand for a drug test, especially if they were under surveillance to prevent contamination or substitution.(4)



1. "Questions & Answers," Health News, May 2005.

2. Johnson TM et al, Journal of Urology, Nov 2007, 178:2045.

3. "Shy bladder," Michael Miller MD, Harvard Mental Health Letter, Jan 2004.

4. Ibid. (57).

Legal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal directions and use should be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner with a specific formula for you. All material in this article is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or consultation. Contact a reputable healthcare practitioner if you are in need of medical care. Exercise self-empowerment by seeking a second opinion.

Susun Weed

PO Box 64

Woodstock, NY 12498

Fax: 1-845-246-8081

Visit Susun Weed at: The Wise Woman Center and Ash Tree Publishing

Vibrant, passionate, and involved, Susun Weed has garnered an international reputation for her groundbreaking lectures, teachings, and writings on health and nutrition. She challenges conventional medical approaches with humor, insight, and her vast encyclopedic knowledge of herbal medicine. Unabashedly pro-woman, her animated and enthusiastic lectures are engaging and often profoundly provocative.

Susun is one of America's best-known authorities on herbal medicine and natural approaches to women's health. Her four best-selling books are recommended by expert herbalists and well-known physicians and are used and cherished by millions of women around the world.

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Cure Type Two Diabetes the Natural Way

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Information on Reversing Diabetes

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Cure Diabetes Naturally

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Does Stress Lead to Increased Diabetes Risk?

It is believed that improperly unmanaged stress is a major determinant in almost all illness conditions. Does stress also leads to diabetes? Let us investigate.

There are two major types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes mellitus and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is also known as juvenile diabetes because it starts in children and young adults. It is due to insufficient amount of insulin being produced (known as insulin deficiency). Since it does not start later in life, we can safely conclude that type 1 diabetes mellitus is unlikely to be caused by stress.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus usually occurs later in life, after the age of forty. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is the most common form of diabetes. In type 2 diabetes mellitus, the problems arise because

1. Either the body does not produce enough insulin, or
2. The insulin produced is ignored by the cells in the body (known as insulin resistance), or both.

Discussion on what insulin is and what the roles it plays is in order.

Insulin is a hormone that regulates carbohydrate metabolism (and to some extent fat metabolism as well). Insulin helps the body to use sugar. Sugar is the basic source of energy for the cells in the body, and insulin takes the sugar from the blood into the cells.

When we say blood sugar, we refer to glucose in the blood. Glucose is the main type of simple sugar in our blood. Our body needs to have glucose level controlled to within a narrow range (0.7-1.1 mg per ml). Below 0.7 mg per ml is termed "hypoglycemia", and above 1.8 mg per ml is termed "hyperglycemia". Both can result in problems as we shall see later.

When there is more glucose in the blood, more insulin is secreted into the blood, resulting in cells (muscle cells, red blood cells and fat cells) absorbing the glucose out of the blood, thus reducing the blood glucose level.

When there is less glucose in the blood, more glucagon (counter part of insulin) is secreted into the blood, stimulating liver to release the glucose it has stored in its cells into the blood stream, thus increasing blood glucose. Glucagon also induces the liver and some of the muscle cells to produce glucose out of protein.

If the glucose does not go into cells, instead it builds up in the blood, two problems arise. Firstly, if the cells do not get the glucose they need, they die. Secondly, prolong period of high blood glucose levels may hurt your eyes, kidneys, nerves or heart. Insulin is used to treat this "hyperglycemia" aspect of diabetes.

"Hypoglycemia" or low blood glucose level condition can happen when more insulin is introduced than there is food in the stomach to be acted on. This often happens when a patient injects insulin in anticipation of food consumption, but the food consumption is delayed or insufficient food is consumed. Symptoms of "hypoglycemia" include strange behavior, clumsy or jerky movements, seizure, confusion, tingling sensations around the mouth, dizziness, sweating, headache etc.

Now that we understand the mechanics of diabetes, is there anything to suggest that stress can cause diabetes (type 2)?

The usual reason explaining where stress lead to sickness is the weakening of our immunity system caused by stress. However, diabetes is not caused by weak immunity system.

Psychological stress caused by the death of a spouse, a financial crisis or other life-altering event has been associated with higher risk of developing diabetes in middle age. Many studies have shown that the abovementioned types of major life events were associated with type 2 diabetes regardless of family history of the disease, exercise or alcohol use. However, although such circumstantial evidence seems to suggest a link between a higher proportion of people under greater stress and diabetes, we cannot conclude that stress cause diabetes.

There is a theory that says that stressful life events increase the diabetes risk by increasing levels of the hormone cortisol and decreasing levels of sex steroids such as testosterone, which have been shown to influence the action of insulin.

Some researchers have tried to determine whether stress, which can be measured using the ratio cortisol:testosterone, affects insulin resistance. In the prospective study by George Davey Smith and colleagues from the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom, cortisol:testoterone ratio was positively associated with IHD (ischemic heart disease) mortality and incidence. Adjustment for potential socioeconomic and behavioral confounding variables had little influence on these associations, but they appeared to be mediated by components of the insulin resistance syndrome (elevated blood pressure, triglyceride levels, body mass index, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and impaired glucose tolerance). This suggests that methods of reducing the cortisol:testoterone ratio may improve insulin resistance and reduce the risk of ischemic heart disease (IHD). But, it does not suggest that reducing stress can reduce the risk of diabetes.

More conclusive research findings will be needed before we can conclude that stress does indeed lead to diabetes.

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Can Yeast Infections Be Prevented?

In my opinion, this is one of the world's most powerful, secret remedies for any illness! I strongly believe that if we all drank the amount of water our bodies need, we would see a great reduction in all types of sicknesses. Most doctors say that we should drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water daily, but many people need even more than that. I have found that simply drinking enough water greatly reduces my likelihood for getting a yeast infection. Because I am drinking more water, and subsequently urinating more frequently, my body is able to flush out the sugars that feed the yeast.

Avoid keeping your vagina wet for a long peroid of time and do not douche vagina with vinegar after menstrual periods or sexual intercourse as it may remove the healthy bacteria in the vagina.

You should also be careful when using any form of antifungal cream. There have been a number of cases in which these medications have shown little or no effect on yeast infections. This is because the yeast has grown a resistance to the medication. This occurs when the medication is overused, which is why it is important to only use this product when you have been positively diagnosed with yeast infection.

Most women would love to know if there was a natural yeast infection cure. If your yeast infection is not that serious, you can treat it naturally. There are a lot of ways and steps on how to prevent yeast infections from occurring.

You can buy yeast infection treatments over the counter (OTC) in drugstores without a prescription from the doctor. Some examples of common treatments are: Miconazole, Tioconazole, Butoconazole and Clotrimazole. Unfortunately, these treatments only treat the symptoms and should not be considered cures. These treatments can also be dangerous to use and most women develop a tolerance to them after extended use. The only way to cure yeast infections is to treat the root cause through natural means.

Candida treatments are most common among women, but millions of men every year seek candida treatments for their conditions. Candida is often the root cause of a host of health problems that cause many number of misdiagnosed men and women to seek diabetes treatments, depression treatments, anxiety treatments, even cellulite treatments. However, these are often only symptoms of a much larger, underlying issue. Yeast is literally a beast that slowly destroys the body masquerading as various diseases. About 80% of the American population has a yeast problem that they are unaware of. A candida treatment could save a lot of unnecessary treatments by simply cutting out the middleman and going directly to the source of the problem yeast infection.

You should be aware of the fact that there is another way of treating a Candida yeast infection through diet. This alternative Candida treatment works in a very simple manner. By eating the right foods you will create an environment hostile to the Candida yeast which will eventually cause its death.

Sarah Rhodes suffered from chronic yeast infections for many years before finally discovering a natural, permanent cure that works. Read about Sarah and the secret that permanently cured her yeast infections at:

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Diabetes | Cinnamon | Natural Diabetes Cure

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Addison's Disease: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Addison's disease can be a common ailment. It happens when the adrenal glands are not producing a sufficient amount of steroid hormones. This kind of production can be found through medical imaging and blood tests. This disease has got this name from Thomas Addison, the famous doctor who found the malaria disease. The disease can be cured through provision of hormones like oral hydrocortisone to the patient.

There can be many causes of this disease which include dysgenesis which means an inadequate formation of the gland and the production can't happen normally. Sometimes, steroidogenesis can also cause this disease which means inability of the adrenal glands to produce cortisol.

This disease is caused due to the lack of this hormone only. Since the symptoms don't reveal themselves easily, this ailment can't be detected so easily however the patient may experience some symptoms like fatigue, fever and weight loss. Patients also suffer from low energy while standing up and hence don't find it easy to do so. Individuals also develop a desire for consuming salt foods because sodium gets washed out of the urine. So, salt which is rich sources of sodium can fulfill their desires. The patients also experience some tanning of the skin because the inability of the glands causes hyperpigmentation which manifests as tanning.

Low blood pressure is caused when someone tries to stand up. There can be many causes of this disease which include impaired steroidogenesis. It's because the adrenal gland needs cholesterol for producing steroid hormones. But, lack of cholesterol causes an impairment of steroid production. The lack of cholesterol to the adrenal gland can be caused by abetalipoproteinemia and Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome.

The disease can be treated by introducing cortisone in the body. So, the hormones can be introduced in the form of tablets. The patient must follow a strict diet and sometimes for the rest of his life. Sometimes, the injections of such cortisones can also be increased when the patient is pregnant or is suffering from a kind of trauma. In fact, such doses also need to be more when a person has become infected. It's important that the patients of this disease have the cortisone injections so that they can be cured if they become injured. They should also have some identification tag so that someone else can know that they have the disease if they become unconscious. So, the tag lets someone know that the patient needs a cortisone injection. This tag can also have the telephone number and name of the relative. The best forms of cure are needle, cortisol and syringe. Sometimes, during stress, patients need more medication and they should be aware of the process.

Sometimes, patients who suffer from this ailment also experience vomiting. They can't be administered tablets of oral hydrocortisone, so they have to take injections. Sometimes, attention by doctors is required when vomiting or diarrhea starts happening due to this ailment.

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Retinal Detachment: Time Critical Eye Emergency

A detachment of the retinal can be a very serious and time critical emergency. A detached retina occurs when the retina pulls away from the supporting choroid (middle tissue) in the back of the eye, usually resulting from a hole in the retina that allows fluid to leak between the choroid and the retina.

Since the retina cannot function properly under these conditions, permanent vision loss may occur if a detached retina is not repaired within 24 to 72 hours.

At Risk

Retinal Detachment is considered a risk for:

• Nearsighted adults

• People who have had an eye injury or post cataract extraction surgery

• People with a family history of retinal detachment

• People who have suffered a hard blow or sever trauma to the eye such as a contusion or penetrating wound. There has been a rise in those under teenagers and young adults due to paintball injuries.

• Secondary detachments as a result of other diseases, such as tumors, severe inflammations or complications from diabetes.

Statistic for the United States show that nearly 28,000 cases of retinal detachment occurs each year. Most cases are a result of the processing of aging, affects a higher number of people with a Jewish heritage and occurs the least often among blacks.


Symptoms of retinal detachment include:

• Flashes of light

• Showering effect of floaters in the visual field

• Darkening of the peripheral visual field.

• Vision loss maybe filmy, cloudy, irregular or curtain-like.

• One large floater in the middle of the field of vision or a wavy distortion of objects may also be a sign of a detached retina.

There is no pain associated with retinal detachment, but if you suffer from any of the above symptoms, see your eye doctor immediately. Often floaters will actually decrease as the retina detaches giving a false signal of possible a reversal in the condition when in truth the condition is worsening.


Retinal detachment is diagnosed through an eye exam by a retinal specialist. The earlier the diagnosis is made, the greater the chance to restore vision. Diagnosis is based on symptoms and a thorough examination of the retina.


Surgical treatment for retinal detachment depends on type, severity, and location of the detachment. Risks include infection, bleeding, cataract development, and increased pressure inside the eye. However, without intervention, retinal detachment usually causes permanent partial vision loss or blindness.

There are numerous approaches to treating retinal detachment. These include:

• Laser (thermal) or freezing (cryopexy). Both of these approaches can repair a detached retina if it is diagnosed early enough.

• Cryopexy - Cryopexy uses nitrous oxide to freeze the tissue behind the retinal tear, stimulating scar tissue formation that will seal the edges of the tear. It is usually done as an outpatient procedure, under local anesthesia.

• Pneumatic retinopexy. This procedure can be used to treat retinal detachment if the tear is small and easy to close. A small gas bubble is injected into the vitreous where it then rises and presses against the retina, closing the tear. A laser or cryopexy can then be used to seal the tear. This procedure is 85% successful.

• Scleral buckle. This treatment for retinal detachment involves placing a silicone band (buckle)around the eye to hold the retina in place. This band is not visible and remains permanently attached. Thermal treatment may then be necessary to close the tear. This procedure is effective as high as 95% of the time.

• Vitrectomy. This procedure for retinal detachment is used for large tears. During a vitrectomy the vitreous is removed from the eye and replaced with a saline solution. It has similar success rates to the scleral buckle.

About 80 percent of all uncomplicated cases can be cured with one operation; an additional 15 percent will need repeated operations and the remainder will never reattach. The prognosis is worse if the macula is detached or if the detachment is of long duration.

Without treatment, retinal detachment often becomes total within six (6) months. Unfortunately, due to continual shrinkage of the vitreous and the development of fibrous growths on the retina, not all retinas can be reattached. If the retina cannot be reattached, then the eye will continue to lose sight and ultimately become blind.


Preventing age-related retinal detachment is possible by having regular eye exams and seeing an eye care practitioner immediately when early symptoms (floaters and flashes) are experienced. In most cases, small tears can be repaired easily and vision can be preserved. People at high risk should discuss the frequency of eye exams with their practitioner.

To avoid eye injuries, which may lead to a retinal, detachment use safety glasses or goggles when participating in activities that may have a high risk for eye injuries such as paintball guns, racket ball and many other sports.

For more click on Retinal Detachment: Time Critical Eye Emergency. At Austin County Eye Associates our focus is on you and the best options for your eye vision care.

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Itching Dog Skin Driving You Nuts? Top 12 Causes and What You Can Do To Ease the Misery

Itch, itch, scratch, scratch… thump-thump-thump… I honestly don’t know who whines more when our dogs have itchy skin problems, us or them!

As a professional animal communicator and master healer, I am often asked to work with dogs with skin condition problems. This can be a complicated tangled knot to unravel, fraught with a complexity of contributing causes.

Usually your vet will offer steroids to suppress the allergic reaction, antibiotics, and expensive medicated shampoos. All that does is suppress the symptoms for a little while and does nothing to resolve the source of the problem.

In the long term, your dog will suffer from a recurrent itchy skin problem which may be worse over time, developing hot spots and oozing sores. They will also suffer from the many debilitating side effects from the steroids themselves, which can shorten their lfie. AND, your dog may actually be allergic to the medicated shampoo!

What’s a caring, loving responsible dog parent to do?

Allergies are a symptom of a body experiencing toxic overload and systemic overwhelm. There are better ways to approach the problem. Here are the top 12 causes of itchy skin problems:

1. Thyroid and hormone imbalance, including over active adrenals from stress. This can also come from spaying and neutering creating a sudden and dramatic effect like forced menopause…

2. Food allergies including an allergy to rice, wheat, soy, corn, dairy, and nightshade plants like potatoes, tomatoes and peppers

3. Poor quality polluted water, especially tap water or water that is bottled in plastic which has carcinogens like benzene in it…

4. Heavy metals or other hidden contaminants in your dog’s food and environment…

5. Environmental allergens like hay, pollen, grasses, weeds, contact with toxic plants…

6. Chemical preservatives in the food, in the cans themselves or the packaging, bedding, shampoos, toys…

7. Pesticides, both used orally and in the environment

8. Wormers which are poisons that affect the liver and kidneys

9. Antibiotics which have destroyed the intestinal balance of probiotics and enzymes

10. Flea allergies, along with all the topical flea/tick treatments

11. Parasites like pinworms, tapeworms, roundworms and the like which thrive in a polluted, toxic body

All of those things must be taken into account and addressed. However, the number 1 cause of skin problems that few vets will tell you about is this:

12. Vaccinations with their many side effects. Over vaccinating your dog can cause a great deal of chronic long term problems including auto-immune disorders and degenerative disorders, like joint pain and arthritis, diabetes, cancer and digestive problems.

So what can you do about it?

1. Go homemade – food, that is. No more commercial pet foods. Try feeding your dog a bionutritionally sound diet that includes organic steamed vegetables including garlic in a bit of broth (low sodium is ok), natural raw or lightly cooked chicken or turkey or lamb, a good quality grain, and add in the right supplements like vitamins B, C and E, and full spectrum trace minerals like zinc and selenium. Be sure to include a high quality fat like extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil which are all necessary for good health as well as happy skin and shiny coats.

2. Rebuild their digestive system. If they aren’t allergic to dairy, offer yogurt or cottage cheese, and/or add probiotics and enzymes to help them digest it.

3. Clean water only. Purify their water with reverse osmosis or another type of quality filter.

4. Use natural flea, tick, mosquito and parasite prevention. You can use an essential oils formula like Cedarcide™ , mulch your yard with cedar mulch, or try using The ShooTag™ which are all viable non-toxic alternatives to flea preventions and oral wormers. Beneficial nematodes will clear your yard of fleas and their eggs. There are also herbal remedies for parasites. Remember that if your baby can’t touch it, then it can’t be good for your dog either.

5. Soothe the itch naturally. Aloe vera gel and coconut oil can help soothe the itch, as can many homeopathic remedies, including rhus tox, pulsatilla, arsenicum, apis, nux vomica, belladonna and mercurius vivus. See a professional’s assistance to determine the right remedies for your dog.

6. Vaccinosis Homeopathic Protocol. No more vaccinations while your dog is ill, or you will make the problem worse because you should never vaccinate a dog who isn’t well. There are ways to calm the inflammation using homeopathic medicine. Again, contact me or see a professional for assistance in determining the right protocol for your dog.

The good news is this: Not only will your dog start feeling better soon, but you will too. Because what’s good for your dog, is also good for you.

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Reverse Type 2 Diabetes with Natural Medicine - Dr. Barker, ND Naturopathic Doctor

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Friday, March 15, 2013

Leucorrhoea - Symptoms and Causes

Leucorrhoea is a situation, which is characterized by the release of whitish liquid from the female genitals. More generally, it is called as whites. This problem is related with the woman's reproductive organs. The situation can last for a few weeks or still for months. If you do not overlook this problem, it can become chronic at afterward stages. Read more about leucorrhoea information:

Leucorrhoea Symptoms:

- Whitish discharge from vagina

- General body weakness

- Pain in the lumbar region and calves

- Irritability

- Digestive disturbances.

- Black circular patch around eyes.

- Itching in genital path.

- Spots on undergarments.

- Foul smells.

- Frequent headaches

- Constipation

- Intense itching

- Development of black patches under the eyes

Causes of Leucorrhoea

- Improper life style, which leads to, properly sleep.

- Hormonal turbulence

- Improper hygienic situation

- Improper feeding way of life

- Wound produced by itching

- Infections similar to bacterial and fungal

- Indigestion and constipation

- Anemia and diseases similar to diabetes, menorrhagea etc.

Talking about the reasons of Leucorrhoea, it typically takes place due to toxification of the structure. The main cause that can be held responsible is wrong feeding way of life. At the time of menses, the mucous membrane in the reproductive organs of young women thickens, by this means leading to leucorrhoea. In the time of adolescence to mid forties, the birth of a child might be lead to injure of cervix, causing infection. Separately from this, there are some extra factors also that give increase to this situation similar to displacement of the womb and unhygienic situation that tend to pull towards bacteria to the genital organs.


Fried and spicy food should totally be avoided. The patient should not be permitted to remain her stomach empty for a long time period. She should not receive heavy, indigestible food material. Sour items particularly pickle and curds are forbidden. Eating of supari later than taking food is very helpful both for prevention and cure of this disease.

Read more about Leucorrhoea Treatment and Women's Health visit at

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Curing Thrush with Home Remedies

The overgrowth of the fungi Candida Albicans is responsible for the onset of Thrush, which is also know as Yeast Infection or Candidiasis. Thrush is not a serious disease but it can cause great discomfort for its sufferer. The best thing you can do then you think you have thrush is to see a doctor immediately. There are also many over the counter medicines that are effective in treating thrush.

But aside from seeing a doctor and using over the counter medications, there are many things you can do at home to treat thrush.

1. The first thing you should do at the onset o thrush is to clean the affected area by washing it with plain water. It is not advisable to use soaps, shower gels and bath gels because these products can worsen the infection. Make sure that the affected area is always clean, cool and dry.

2. When you have thrush, avoid using lubricants and spermicidal creams. These products can make your conditions worse. You should also avoid latex condoms because latex or rubber can cause irritation.

3. Do not let synthetic fibers or materials touch the affected area as doing so could cause further irritation. You must wear clothes or undergarments made from natural fibers so as to minimize irritation.
4. Stress can trigger thrush this is why you should learn to relax and fight stress. Do not put yourself in stressful situations as much as possible and try to learn different stress-reducing techniques.

5. Make sure that your partner does not have thrush before having sex.

6. Melaleuca Oil is an effective remedy for thrush. You can buy Melaleuca Oil at alternative medicine and herb stores.

7. Aside from Melaleauca Oil, another effective natural remedy for thrush is Aloe Vera gel which can also be bought in alternative medicine and herb stores. Apply the Aloe Vera gel to the affected area.

8. Avoid oral contraceptives and broad spectrum antibiotics when you feel you are susceptible to thrush.

9. Individuals suffering from iron deficiency anemia and diabetes are more susceptible to get thrush than those not suffering from these diseases. So if you suffer from these diseases you must be doubly careful in avoiding thrush.

10. Avoid alcohol, steroids and too much sugar if you feel that you are susceptible to thrush. These substances can prohibit the growth of Candida Albicans.

11. You can also put natural yogurt to the areas affected by thrush to minimize irritation. Yoghurts have ingredients that can combat inflammation.

12. Food is one of the main triggers of thrush. Avoid dried fruits, dairy products, products with yeasts, mushrooms, pickled vegetables and fruits, monosodium glutamate and smoked fish and meat as these can trigger thrush. You can also try to follow a restricted diet for at least one month. The restricted diet can help you determine the particular foods that triggers thrush. You can then avoid these foods to avoid acquiring thrush.

13. Probiotic supplements that support friendly fungi in the gut such as acidophilus are also found to be effective in treating thrush.

14. If your thrush is persistent and does not respond to home remedies then you should begin to see a doctor. You should never ignore a persistent thrush infection. Or else it could lead to a much worse condition.

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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Outbreaks Of Genital Herpes: What To Do - STD Testing Centers Wichita KS

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Sores also may appear on other parts of the body where broken skin has come into contact with HSV. Over a period of days, the sores become encrusted and then heal without scarring. Sores and blisters tend to be one of the most noticeable symptoms of herpes of both the facial and genital varieties. Other symptoms that may continually occur are fever, headache, sensitivity to light, swollen glands, or sore throat.

STD Testing Centers Wichita KS

Common symptoms include headaches, fevers, drowsiness, hyperactivity, and/or general weakness. The disorder may have some symptoms similar to those associated with meningitis, such as a stiff neck, altered reflexes, confusion, and/or speech abnormalities. Common complications include seizures, mental retardation, blindness, chorioretinitis, deafness, microcephaly, diabetes insipidus, and spasticity. Up to 90% of infants with disseminated disease die. Acylovir is the drug of choice for herpes encephalitis, and will be given intravenously in the hospital for 10 days. Bumps and blisters may appear on the vagina, penis, scrotum, anus, thigh, or buttocks. 

It is a known fact that genital herpes do not have a cure. However, there is a continous update on what is happening in the world and its current discovery. Genital herpes news, gives hope to those people that are afflicted with this disease. It continuously brings hope and good news to people.

Symptoms of genital herpes vary from person to person. Genital warts also occur in outbreaks. Symptoms of herpes are called outbreaks. The first outbreak appears within 2 weeks after you become infected and can last for several weeks. Symptoms of herpes can be treated, but the disease cannot be cured. With or without visible symptoms, the disease can be transmitted between sex partners, from mothers to newborn babies, and it can greatly increase a person's risk of becoming infected with HIV. Symptoms of herpes outbreaks typically begin with pain, tenderness, or itching in the genital area and may also include fever and headache. Sores heal more quickly-within 3-7 days in most cases. Also, recurrent infections usually are less painful. Sores can also show up on a woman's cervix or in the urinary passage in men. The sores are small red bumps that may turn into blisters or painful open sores. Sores (small red bumps) can develop.

Treatment of the infection will depend on its severity. Mild infection is typically treated with topical and sometimes oral antiviral medication. Treatment with acyclovir did not reduce this long-lasting, high concentration of HSV-2-specific CD4+ T cells at the sites of healed herpes lesions. Treatment of herpes simplex keratitis depends on the severity.

An initial outbreak is typically treated with topical and sometimes oral anti-viral medication. Treatments are available to speed up the healing of the genital sores. Â Genital herpes is usually caused by HSV-2. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease. Genital recurrences after the first outbreak seem to be linked to stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, menstruation, and genital friction (new sexual partner after a time of no sex), although more research is definitely needed about this subject. Usually recurrences are more frequent in the first year after the initial outbreak.

STD Testing Centers Wichita KS

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The Foods That Cause Acne - Is Your Diet Filled With These?

Many people who suffer from acne can detect a pattern having to do with the foods they consume and their acne breakouts. Many dermatologists and acne sufferers believe that one of the ingredients in foods that cause acne is sugar. For many sufferers, chocolate and other sugary snacks are obvious irritants to an existing acne condition.

Other acne sufferers, however, do not detect any relationship between sugary foods and their acne condition. This makes it difficult to detect because foods that cause acne for one person may have no affect on another. Sugar reacts differently in different bodies. While the consumption of sugar has no effects on one person, it can cause numerous problems for another. This is largely due to the hormonal composition of the individual.

When a person consumes sugary foods, the person's blood sugar rises sharply and rapidly. This spike in blood sugar is directly related to how much sugar is ingested. In response to this spike in the level of blood sugar, the body excretes hormones such as insulin and other hormones.

Some people have very strong livers that can process and deactivate large amounts of excess hormones, while other people have livers that become easily overloaded. When the liver is unable to process the excess hormones, these hormones cause the sebum glands to produce too much oil in the skin. This skin oil coupled with the fat in the blood can cause acne breakouts.

Some people find it difficult to cut out sugar but if you believe that your acne flares up when excessive amounts of sugar is consumed, then it is obviously better in the long run to start taking measures to correct this problem.

If you can detect the foods that cause acne to worsen through trial and error, then you can avoid those foods in the future.

Other foods that cause acne are those that contain male hormones, such as dairy, organ meats and wheat germs. It is suggested that reactions to progesterone can cause breakouts when foods containing this are consumed.

In addition, iodine rich products such as shellfish, spinach, cabbage and peanuts are also foods that cause acne. If you are an acne sufferer it's certainly worth abstaining from the above mentioned categories of food, one at a time, to experiment and note any changes.

If you have eliminated that foods that cause acne, you can then start eating a diet containing foods that improve acne.

Apples - eat at least 2 a day.

Apricots - eat as many as you like. Apricots are a high source of minerals, fiber, and beta-carotene and will help control acne.

Bananas - eat only one banana a day. Bananas have properties that feed the good bacterial in your colon. By feeding the good bacteria, you prevent the bad bacteria from overtaking the colon and producing toxic acids that get to the skin and create acne.

Blackberries - help cleanse the blood and are good for constipation. They help a weak kidney and are good for creating good skin on your face.

Blueberries are a good blood cleanser. They are also good for constipation and various skin disorders not just acne.

Cantaloupes - are high in vitamin A, C, and have many other minerals. This makes them good for any type of skin problems.

Cherries - are good blood cleansers and help the liver and kidney.

Figs - are high in fiber and help to reduce constipation.

Grapefruits - helps to dissolve and eliminate poisons from drugs thus improving the liver function

Grapes - help cleanse the body, build blood, and build the body. It is good for constipation, skin, and liver disorders.

Mango - is good for kidney inflammation. It contains a lot of minerals, which helps to neutralize acid waste.

Strawberries - have been shown to have strong anti-acne activity. They are high in pectin content, which helps to keep your bowels moving.

Pineapples - contains many vitamins and minerals. It contains Papain, which helps to digest protein. They are useful in of excess mucus, digestive problems, intestinal worms, and constipation.

Substitute the foods that cause acne with as many of the fruits above. If you do, you will start to see improvement in your skin and your acne begin to improve.

For more free advice and some treatments that will shock you ... especially the back acne treatment visit acne free now

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Raw Foods diet for Diabetes | Reversing Diabetes ( Anthony Robbins, Morgan Spurlock )

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

4 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Dandruff

Dandruff is very common problem and all of us suffer from it atleast once in life. This article will discuss some home treatments to get rid of dandruff.

1. Use shampoos: There are several ways to cure dandruff. One of them is to use anti-dandruff shampoos. However, not all anti-dandruff shampoos will help. Make sure your shampoo contains all these ingredients: coal tar, salicylic acid, pyrithione zinc, and sulfur or selenium sulfide. Each of these ingredients is vital for curing dandruff. More often than not you will encounter anti-dandruff shampoos which have more than one ingredient. The only way to know which anti-dandruff shampoos are best for you is by trial-and-error.

Here is a good way to use anti-dandruff shampoos. First wash your scalp thoroughly, then apply shampoo on the scalp, then let the shampoo remain on your scalp for about five minutes. Then rinse your scalp thoroughly.

2. Another way to cure dandruff is by using yogurt. Before using yogurt, you should rinse your hair thoroughly and then apply yogurt on your scalp and let it sit there for at least ten to fifteen minutes. Then wash the scalp using as little shampoo as needed. You can use an infusion of thyme, nettle or sage with 2 tablespoons of vinegar as a final rinse.

3. If neither of these remedies works for you, you can turn to homeopathy. Homeopathy has really some good medicines which will help you to cure dandruff. You can use medicines such as rsenicum, sepia, sulfur, mezereum, fluoric ac., graphites, oleander and nartrum mur; however I would recommend that you consult with a homeopath before using any of these medicines.

4. There are some good herbal remedies to cure dandruff as well. One herbal treatment that was invented in South Africa is this: mix borax (one of the fresh roots of the wild scabious) with an infusion in boiling water. This will create a paste for you. Just rub the paste on your scalp once a week and you will be able to cure dandruff fast.

Disclaimer: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

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Best Home Remedies For Thrush

Some prescription drugs, particularly antibiotics, may disrupt the bacteria normally present in the intestine and vagina, causing the unpleasant symptoms of constipation, diarrhea, or vaginitis. Because Lactobacillus acidophilus is one such regular inhabitant that can prevent bacterial or yeast overgrowth, consumption of yogurt or L. bacillus capsules or tablets has been found to be effective in decreasing the incidence of candidiasis.

Yeast infections usually are treated with medicine that you put into your vagina. This medicine may be a cream or a suppository that you put into your vagina with a special applicator. Medicine in a cream form also can be put on your vulva to help stop the itching. Medicine in a pill form that you take by mouth is also available. However, natural treatments without the use of medications are much more effective and provide a permanent cure.

Not all women experience a discharge. The easiest way to tell if a woman has yeast infection is if she experiences itchiness in and around her vagina. The itchiness may go hand in hand with a burning sensation. The outer area and the vulva area can become swollen and red, this can result in painful urination and sexual intercourse may also be painful too.

An abundance of candida may also cause vaginitis, commonly known as a yeast infection. Ordinary symptoms are vaginal itching, a white discharge, sensitive skin at the vaginal opening and pain during urination or intercourse. This condition is especially common in women who are pregnant or taking antibiotics. Women using contraceptives with a high estrogen level are also more susceptible to yeast infections. Because the same fungus that causes vaginal yeast infections is responsible for thrush, it may also be spread through oral sex.

Unfortunately, many doctors misdiagnose a yeast infection as being bacterial in nature and they will treat it with antibiotics. This can lead to the elimination of the yeast's natural competitors and actually increase the severity of the yeast infection.

Factors that can be major causes of yeast infections in women include the use of douches, scented feminine hygiene products, feminine sprays, and regular use of spermicidal creams. The combination of some or all of these products will sometimes ruin the delicate balance of the vagina which in turn can create a yeast infection.

Over-the-counter medicated treatments cures the majority of yeast infections, however they can be only temporary treatments. The yeast infections may come back, even worse than before. Many people who use natural treatments report never having another yeast infection again. This is probably because the natural, holistic methods listen to the body and gets to the root of problem, while the creams temporarily kill candida in the vagina, which is always present in the body anyway.

Sarah Rhodes suffered from chronic yeast infections for many years before finally discovering a natural, permanent cure that works. Read about Sarah and the secret that permanently cured her yeast infections at:

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